


A known officer within Interpol, Bryan Fury was shot and killed by gunmen during a shootout in Hong Kong. His corpse is placed in the custody of Doctor Abel for scientific research and he is revived in order for him to be Abel's agent in obtaining classified information on raising a cyborg-led army.[10] Bryan enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 in hopes of killing Yoshimitsu and capturing Dr. Boskonovitch, Abel's rival.

In Tekken 4, Bryan learns that his body is deteriorating and that he is close to death. Upon learning that his creator, Doctor Abel, has become head scientific advisor of the Mishima Zaibatsu, he grows to despise the Mishima Zaibatsu for taking Abel away from him, and Abel himself, for abandoning him. Bryan enters the tournament with the hope of becoming the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, enabling him to order Doctor Abel to modify his body and prevent him from dying.

Despite not winning, Bryan eventually finds Abel, and uses his last ounce of strength to knock Abel out before losing consciousness. Later on, he wakes up in the laboratory of none other than Dr. Boskonovitch, who tells him that Yoshimitsu rescued him while robbing Heihachi Mishima's mansion, and promises to transfer Bryan's mind into a new body, although it will take a whole year. Bryan silently agrees to let Boskonovitch put him to sleep.

Bryan, however, awakens a month later and is told by Boskonovitch that his body was too complicated for himself to work with, but as a last resort, He had installed a perpetual power generator in him to grant him immortality. Upon learning this, Bryan attacks Boskonovitch and the Manji clan members assigned to guard him, and leaves the laboratory. Bryan enters the Tekken 5 tournament to test his performance with the generator installed, unaware that Yoshimitsu is pursuing him for revenge.

Yoshimitsu's repeated meddling hinders Bryan's hopes of unlocking the generator's true powers in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Soon afterwards, Bryan's frustration reaches its pinnacle, and he begins to destroy everything in sight after abandoning the tournament. Driven by rage, he joins various battlefields over the world, indiscriminately leveling this and that to rubble. However, he soon grows tired of the same thing repeating itself countless times. Around this time, he catches wind of the Tekken 6 tournament. Seeing another chance to test the generator's true powers, he signs up.

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