

Dr. Boskonovitch

Dr. Boskonovitch originally worked for the Mishima Zaibatsu. During the first Tekken, the Manji ninja clan (led by Yoshimitsu) raided the Mishima Zaibatsu's vault. During the raid, Yoshimitsu lost his arm and was found by Bosconovitch who helped him escape. He was kidnapped by Kazuya Mishima in the run-up to Tekken 2 and was forced to work for him. Some of the many projects involved the creation of the bio-weapons Roger and Alex and the completion of the Prototype Jack unit. He began the "Cold Sleep" project as a means of preserving his daughter's body (who seemingly died) by using Nina and Anna Williams as test subjects. After completing his tasks, and before being executed, Dr. Boskonovitch was rescued by Yoshimitsu. Nearly twenty years later, he contracted a rare disease that affects the spine. In order to cure himself and to revive his daughter, he needed the blood of the fighting god, Ogre. He turned to an old friend: Yoshimitsu for help. Yoshimitsu entered the Tekken 3 tournament and was successful in retrieving a sample of Ogre's blood after it had been killed by Jin Kazama.

During Tekken 4, Yoshimitsu found an injured Bryan Fury. He brought him to the doctor to save him. Boskonovitch explained to Bryan that he would mechanize him and allow him to be completely reborn in a new incarnation. Bryan lays supine in the chair and Bosconovitch held a gun-shaped device containing sleeping gas. Bidding him sweet dreams, he injected the gas into Bryan. Throughout, he spoke in a very gentle, paternal tone and was very calm. However, the doctor found Bryan's body too complex, and he instead installed a perpetual generator. Bryan proceeded to attack the doctor, as well as Manji Clan members who were with him. While the members were slain, Boskonovitch survived, though he was severely injured. In Tekken 6, he creates an android in his daughters image.


Gon is a tiny fictional dinosaur and the title character of a Japanese manga series created by Masashi Tanaka. The Gon series features the completely wordless adventures of the irascible title character as he interacts with the natural world, depicted by Tanaka in lush, realistic detail. Gon somehow survived the extinction of his fellow dinosaurs and interacts with paleolithic animals.


Ogre is first mentioned in Heihachi Mishima's character profile. It states that many years after Heihachi had reclaimed control of the Mishima Zaibatsu, he formed the Tekken Force, his own military group. One of the missions of the Tekken Force was to search an ancient temple located somewhere in Mexico. Soon after arriving there, Heihachi learned that his entire force had been obliterated by Ogre. Heihachi, having witnessed the power of Ogre sought to capture it in hopes of creating the ultimate life form.

According to official canon, Ogre attacked many world-renowned martial arts masters around the world. Because many characters from previous Tekken titles were not featured in Tekken 3, it is believed that their disappearance is due to being a victim of Ogre. This is supported by the fact that Ogre's fighting style is completely formed by other character's fighting styles, many of which were those who did not appear among the cast of playable characters in Tekken 3, such as Wang Jinrei, Baek Doo San, Bruce Irvin, Lee Chaolan, and Kunimitsu. It was later revealed however, that the only Tekken fighters that Ogre attacked/killed were Baek doo San (whom he did not actually kill), the original King, and Jun Kazama, the mother of Jin Kazama. It is unknown if Kunimitsu was a victim of Ogre as she has not been featured in the plot of a Tekken game since Tekken 2.

Sometime when Jin was fifteen, his mother warned him of an approaching evil (Ogre) and told him to seek refuge with his grandfather, Heihachi. Jin, wishing to protect his mother tried to defend her from Ogre, but was knocked unconscious. When Jin awoke, he found his home burned to the ground and his mother nowhere to be seen.

Jin fled to his grandfather, Heihachi, as Jun had previously instructed. Heihachi made the decision to train the boy to become a powerful fighter, giving Jin hopes of exacting revenge on Ogre. Heihachi's goal however, was to make Jin powerful enough to lure Ogre to him.

Eventually, Heihachi announced the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 as a way to attract many powerful fighters. As planned, Ogre appeared at the tournament, but he was defeated by Paul Phoenix (Explained in Paul's Tekken 4 prologue) before Heihachi could capture it. Also, Jin, presumably having discovered Heihachi's sinister intentions for the tournament, defeated Heihachi. Unknown to them however, Ogre was not killed, and morphed into a monstrous beast by absorbing the energy of Heihachi.

Ogre's second form (known as True Ogre in subsequent games), is capable of using all of its techniques from his previous form as well as the abilities to teleport, fly, and breathe fire. True Ogre was defeated by Jin, and a white orb of light was emitted from its body as it dissolved.

Although Ogre was not present in the 4th game, he appears briefly in Heihachi's prologue. This explains that, Heihachi devised a new plan to make himself the ultimate warrior by using the genes of Ogre that were collected after the fight with Jin. But Ogre's genome could only be integrated with the "Devil Gene", which Heihachi did not possess. He knew that Jin and the resurrected Kazuya did, so he announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 to lure both of them out.

Ogre appears only in the minigame, Devil Within, as a boss. The plot details events that occur during the two month period between Tekken 4 and Tekken 5. After Jin left the Hon-Maru after the final battle in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, he heard that his mother, Jun, was still alive at G Corporation. When Jin traveled to their labs, he found no trace of his mother, but instead discovered that G Corporation had either resurrected Ogre, or had simply discovered another Ogre. Beneath the labs were the remains of another ancient temple, where Jin battled True Ogre once again. Ogre fled to a deeper part of the ruins, and Jin followed it.

The deeper ruins are depicted as an other-worldly crystal-like labyrinth. The enemies Jin contended with were monsters and mutants, who were likely minions of Ogre or guardians of the ruins. The boss of stage four is a giant contraption that uses a large white orb to attack. After Jin destroys this, it is revealed that he unwittingly broke the seal containing Ogre.

During the game's final stage, Jin battles True Ogre once again. Once it is defeated, it reveals yet another transformation. This form had new abilities to create giant whirlwinds and crush Jin under its large body, along with all of its previously used techniques. According to the plot, Jin overcomes Ogre and is attacked by Jack robots, causing him to transform into Devil Jin.


Mokujin is inspired by the Jackie Chan movie Shaolin Wooden Men. He is a wooden training dummy who comes to life at the presence of powerful evil. He has no fighting style of his own, and instead swaps between the fighting styles of the other characters featured in the game. At the beginning of a fight, Mokujin will assume another character's fighting style at random, and uses a wooden sword when he emulates Yoshimitsu, or a tail when emulating Roger. In this aspect, mastering Mokujin requires mastery of all the other Tekken characters' movesets.

Mokujin was awakened when Ogre, the god of Fighting, was released. After Jin Kazama defeated Ogre in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, Mokujin grew lifeless once more, but he had a smile on his face (stated in Mokujin's Tekken 5 Prologue). With the awakening of another powerful evil entity (Jinpachi Mishima), Mokujin has come to life once more, and it is said to be unknown that when Mokujin would be free. After the defeat of Jinpachi Mishima, Mokujin again became lifeless until Tekken 6.

He appears in the multi-company crossover game Cross Edge as a training dummy in the game's practice battle mode under the name Woodman.

Gun Jack

Jack is a series of androids created by the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation for different purposes:

Jack is the original model, and was created by the Mishima Zaibatsu in order to counter a coup from Kazuya Mishima in the King of Iron Fist Tournament.

Prototype Jack is a prototype of Jack was created to combat both Jack and Jack-2. It was destroyed by Jack-2 in the second tournament. This is also the only Jack to fight in more than one tournament.

Jack-2 is the upgrade of Jack, also created by the Mishima Zaibatsu. One of these models, while on a battlefront, witnesses a young girl named Jane lose her mother, and takes it upon himself to look after her until he is destroyed by Dr. Abel.

Gun Jack is a more advanced prototype of the android, created by Jane in an attempt to revive her friend, Jack-2. While she is successful in implanting Jack-2's memories inside him, he is destroyed by gunfire by the Tekken Forces after he and Jane attempt to break into the Mishima Zaibatsu labs.

Jack-4 is an upgrade of Gun Jack, created by G Corporation. While these never participated in any tournament, they were sent by G Corporation to kill Kazuya Mishima after they no longer needed him, and the subsequent battle in Hon-Maru almost resulted in the death of Heihachi Mishima. These specific models have a self-destruct device embedded in them, indicated when the face peels away to reveal a countdown.

Jack-5 is an upgrade of Jack-4, created by Jane to participate in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. His fate is currently unknown.

Jack-6 is an upgrade of Jack-5, created by G Corporation with the mission of destroying the Mishima Zaibatsu in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6.

GameDaily placed Jack 24th on their "Top 25 Video Game Robots" list, stating "While not the most popular character in the Tekken series, Jack punched its way to become a worthy opponent."


A known officer within Interpol, Bryan Fury was shot and killed by gunmen during a shootout in Hong Kong. His corpse is placed in the custody of Doctor Abel for scientific research and he is revived in order for him to be Abel's agent in obtaining classified information on raising a cyborg-led army.[10] Bryan enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 in hopes of killing Yoshimitsu and capturing Dr. Boskonovitch, Abel's rival.

In Tekken 4, Bryan learns that his body is deteriorating and that he is close to death. Upon learning that his creator, Doctor Abel, has become head scientific advisor of the Mishima Zaibatsu, he grows to despise the Mishima Zaibatsu for taking Abel away from him, and Abel himself, for abandoning him. Bryan enters the tournament with the hope of becoming the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, enabling him to order Doctor Abel to modify his body and prevent him from dying.

Despite not winning, Bryan eventually finds Abel, and uses his last ounce of strength to knock Abel out before losing consciousness. Later on, he wakes up in the laboratory of none other than Dr. Boskonovitch, who tells him that Yoshimitsu rescued him while robbing Heihachi Mishima's mansion, and promises to transfer Bryan's mind into a new body, although it will take a whole year. Bryan silently agrees to let Boskonovitch put him to sleep.

Bryan, however, awakens a month later and is told by Boskonovitch that his body was too complicated for himself to work with, but as a last resort, He had installed a perpetual power generator in him to grant him immortality. Upon learning this, Bryan attacks Boskonovitch and the Manji clan members assigned to guard him, and leaves the laboratory. Bryan enters the Tekken 5 tournament to test his performance with the generator installed, unaware that Yoshimitsu is pursuing him for revenge.

Yoshimitsu's repeated meddling hinders Bryan's hopes of unlocking the generator's true powers in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Soon afterwards, Bryan's frustration reaches its pinnacle, and he begins to destroy everything in sight after abandoning the tournament. Driven by rage, he joins various battlefields over the world, indiscriminately leveling this and that to rubble. However, he soon grows tired of the same thing repeating itself countless times. Around this time, he catches wind of the Tekken 6 tournament. Seeing another chance to test the generator's true powers, he signs up.

Julia Chang

Julia Chang studies archeology in Michelle Chang's tribal lands. As a baby, Julia was deserted in the ruins of ancient Native American settlements, where Michelle found her. Michelle rescued Julia and brought her up with love. Julia loved Michelle and her adopted tribe and trained with Michelle to protect her beloved homeland. When Julia was 18, stories of sudden disappearances of famous martial artists all over the world began to reach the tribe. The tribe knew the cause, which was contained in the tribal legends, the legend of The God of Fighters. People in the tribe feared that Michelle's pendant, the key to Native American sacred treasure, had something to do with the disappearances. With apprehension spreading through the tribe, Michelle left for Japan to ask Heihachi Mishima why he had sought to take the pendant during the second tournament. Michelle hoped to learn about the origin of The God of Fighting's power. Michelle did not return. Julia suspected Heihachi and now seeks him out to discover the truth.

Julia was a college student studying archaeology. One day, she discovered that her native homeland was in danger of being covered by an encroaching desert; this was brought on by today's rapidly changing global ecosystem. Julia wanted to save her home, and she began her studies on ecosystem restoration. Julia joined an advanced genetic research group led by Professor T that studied the biological mechanism of reforestation. Professor T's research grant came almost exclusively from G Corporation. In fact, G Corporation's supercomputers located at their high security research center were used for computationally intensive biogenetic analysis and ecosystem modeling. All their project data was stored on G Corporation's file servers as well. Julia was absorbed in her daily research, waiting for the day when her work on ecosystem restoration would be complete. When her project was completed, she would save her home.

One day, Julia learned from Professor T that their project was on hold indefinitely. The Mishima Zaibatsu attacked G Corporation's high security research center and stole all their project data. Julia didn't know a thing about G Corporation's secret research projects nor did she care about them. Yet she knew that she had to retrieve her data from the Mishima Zaibatsu in order to save her home from becoming a desert in a few years time. Julia searched the net to gather information regarding the Mishima Zaibatsu. Her eyes lit up when she saw a web page announcing The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.

Julia Chang continues her research on forest rejuvenation. Disappointed that she was unable to recover the reforestation data during the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Julia returns home and resumes her research. Each time her work hits a dead end, she is reminded of the data that she was unable to retrieve. At that point she received a letter addressed to her in a foreign language. Attached is an announcement of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. In order to fulfill her hopes for forest rejuvenation, Julia decides to enter the fifth tournament. Along the way, she comes face to face with her friend, King, whom she attempts to talk out of taking revenge against Craig Marduk, but King does not listen.

Julia Chang was able to recover the lost Forest Rejuvenation data needed to turn the wasteland back into its original form. When Julia returned to her homeland of Arizona, she was met by the chief of their tribe and an old woman capable of hearing the voice of the Great Spirit. The old woman tells Julia of a premonition, 'If Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima were to engage in combat, it would bring about the resurrection of a demon from Hell.' Julia doubted the old woman's story, but on her way to The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 due to it being sponsored by the Mishima Zaibatsu, she suddenly realizes what the premonition means and accepts it as true. Julia decides to personally enter the tournament to prevent it from happening.


Panda is cared for at Ling Xiaoyu's high school. To participate in the tournament, Xiaoyu moved to the Mishima Polytechnical School in Japan. Heihachi taught Panda "Advanced Bear Fighting" so that she could act as a bodyguard for Xiaoyu during the tournament. Although Kuma is fond of Panda, Panda dislikes him and keeps her distance.

When you select Panda for use in the game, her preview image shows up on screen as Kuma. She did not receive her own preview icon or image until Tekken Tag Tournament. The same also applies to Tiger Jackson.

Panda is given her own story. In her prologue, it explains Panda as protecting Xiaoyu as her bodyguard and tending to her concerns. In her Tekken 4 ending, she hands over control of the Mishima Zaibatsu to Xiaoyu, and then she calls Xiaoyu over to the tournament ring. She then explains to Xiaoyu that she has to search for Jin Kazama on her own.

After the conclusion of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Ling Xiaoyu had been feeling depressed. Panda thought long and hard about how she could make Xiaoyu happy again. Panda decided that the best approach would be to find Jin Kazama. Panda searched for Jin, but she was unable to find him. One day, Xiaoyu came to her excited. "Panda, I've decided to enter The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, and I need your help once again". Panda didn't quite understand Xiaoyu's reason for entering the tournament, but she decided to help if it would make her happy. Later Panda was relieved to learn Heihachi Mishima still lived, but only briefly—her moment of relief past by quickly without notice with the sudden announcement of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6.


The younger Kuma is the son of Heihachi Mishima's pet, the first Kuma. Raised and trained in the Mishima style of fighting arts, learning of his father's defeat, Kuma Jr. decides to train with his master and enter The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3. However, he fails, and realizes that due to his docile upbringing by Heihachi, he could not utilize his animal instincts to his full potential. Leaving Heihachi, Kuma Jr. travels to the mountains of Hokkaidō to train himself, both mentally and physically.

Now hearing of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Kuma enters, more powerful than ever to defeat Paul. He succeeds, and he quickly returns home in triumph.

Now learning that Jinpachi Mishima has taken over the Mishima Zaibatsu, Kuma once again takes his role of the loyal pet, vowing to return the syndicate to Heihachi by entering the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, but he is defeated by Paul.

After the death of his former master, Heihachi Mishima, Kuma believed no one but he could rescue the Mishima Financial Group (MFG) from its captor. Eager to do just that, Kuma confronted the MFG. However, the MFG's new CEO, Jin Kazama, was waiting. Kuma was easily beaten and discarded in the Hokkaido wilderness. Though defeated, his fighting spirit was not lost and he found his former master Heihachi.


A street urchin was brought up in a Mexican orphanage owned by the original fighter to bear the name 'King'. By the age of 24, this wrestler worked hard with King until one day, news broke of the first King's death at the hands of Ogre.

Seeing that the orphanage would crumble into ruin (the money gained from King's wrestling matches was the only funding received), this man donned the mask of King and imitated his style. Unfortunately, he had only seen King's wrestling moves as a child, and he lost every competition he entered. One day however, another man with a mask visited the new King, introducing himself as an old friend. This man revealed himself to be Armor King, who was interested in finding out if the rumors of a new King were true.

For four years the two of them trained, and the new King learned quickly; maturing into a forceful wrestler with extreme power, known as King the Second. By this time, the now 28 year old wrestler was a worthy heir to the throne, however he longed to punish the one responsible for the original King's death.

With rumors of the "god of Fighting" circulating, Armor King revealed to his student that the elusive entity was the one most likely responsible. Armor King watched as the new King, fueled with rage, set his sights on avenging his foster father's death and proving himself worthy of wearing the mask.

King discovered that his master, Armor King, had been killed in a bar fight. The perpetrator, Craig Marduk, had been arrested in Arizona and was sent to prison. Upon Marduk's release (thanks to bribes paid by King himself), King sent a letter challenging Marduk to the tournament in Tekken 4.

He defeated Marduk in Tekken 4, sending him to the hospital, where King followed him to deliver a deadly blow. However, he stopped after seeing a portrait of Marduk and his elderly parents. King let him live, realizing how foolish he had become.

King is later enraged to find out that Marduk has been defeating opponents in a black jaguar mask (identical to Armor King's), and he has issued a televised challenge to The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Seeing Marduk disgrace his master, King steps into the ring once again to settle the score once and for all.

King meets Marduk in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, and their subsequent battle result in another victory against Marduk and the start of their friendship. However, after the tournament, Marduk is brutally attacked, and he tells King that the assailant is apparently the man he was convicted of killing, Armor King. Determined to learn the true identity of the man in Armor King's mask, King and Marduk enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6.

Forest Law

The proud son of Marshall Law, Forest Law trains at his father's dojo to achieve Marshall's success and greatness. As a protective father, Marshall has forbidden his son from entering any contests outside the dojo.

Marshall's long-time friend and competitor, Paul Phoenix, visits once every few months to spar with Marshall. One day, when Paul arrived, Marshall was away supervising the building of a new dojo. Paul insisted that Forest join him in some training exercises. Forest declined, knowing that his father would disapprove. But Paul wouldn't take no for an answer.

Unaware of Marshall's restrictions on fighting, Paul suggested to Forest that he join The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3. Paul sold Forest on the idea by telling him he's a better fighter than his father. Forest knew his father would be angry, but he had to prove that he was worthy of one day inheriting the dojo. Marshall was enraged when he found out what happened. To him, it was as if his son had been kidnapped.

Forest Law has not appeared in the Tekken series since Tekken Tag Tournament.In Tekken 6 Forest law is seen as a cameo in the stage rustic asia near the blue walls.


Eddy was born into one of the richest families in Brazil. Ever since he was a small boy, he knew he would one day take over the family business. He was well liked in his home town because he was a hard worker who treated others as his equals.

One day, when he was 19, Eddy came home from school to find his father shot and dying. He recalled that his father had been unusually nervous and fearful in recent weeks.

Eddy's father was working to destroy the drug cartel in Brazil. His death occurred just when he had obtained enough evidence to put the kingpins away for good. In his last breaths, Eddy's father told him, "Now is not the right time to fight. Falsely admit to the crime and hide in prison. Only there will you be safe". Eddy went along with his father's last wish and the model student went from a life of luxury to incarceration as a murderer.

Prison life was hell and not a day went by that Eddy didn't vow to get even with his father's killers. One day during a prison riot he watched an old man with great power fighting using a technique he called Capoeira. For 8 years Eddy practiced until he became a master and could be considered a lethal weapon.

Upon his release from prison, Eddy heard about the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 and the Mishima Financial Empire (MFE). He decided to enter the tournament, believing he could persuade the MFE to help him seek his long-awaited revenge.


Hwoarang is a student of Baek Doo San and well-versed in the martial art of taekwondo. He used to gamble in street fighting. His fellow gang members would lose matches, then Hwoarang would step in and win. During one of these matches, he faced Jin Kazama, and he was forced to end in a draw. This was the first time that he had not succeeded in winning a fight. Hwoarang decided to train harder and never lose again. Upon visiting the dojang, he saw the dojang destroyed. It had been attacked by Ogre. Frustrated and angry, he entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 to fight a conclusive battle with Jin, and to get revenge for his master.

In Tekken 4, Hwoarang was drafted into the South Korean army, notably assigned to a SpecOps unit (apparently rising to the rank of Sergeant). Longing for the rush of the hand-to-hand combat that he used to find only with street hustling, he went AWOL and became a fugitive of the South Korean government. He heard of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, and he decided to enter so that he could face his rival, Jin, in the tournament. He gets his chance to face Jin though then later apparently escaped and fights again though the fight was interrupted when a South Korean special forces squad (including his field commander) arrived and supposedly arrested Hwoarang.

In Tekken 5, while Hwoarang was awaiting court martial, he was taken to the South Korean embassy, where the ambassador issued him some urgent papers. After reading the papers, Hwoarang exclaimed, "I can't believe it! Are you sure this is correct?" (It has been suggested that these papers were from Baek Doo San himself, informing Hwoarang that he survived Ogre's attack.) Hwoarang completed his military service within two months, and then he entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, eager to fight Jin Kazama. He was also asked to compete by his master Baek Doo San.

Hwoarang faced Jin and defeated him. While Jin was lying on the ground, suddenly he roars paranormally and produces a gale that blows Hwoarang away. From Jin's back, two black wings spread and Jin rises with his devil form. Hwoarang is at his wits end - he is unable to fight back and soon he is knocked unconscious. When Hwoarang wakes up he finds himself in the hospital. Nearby he sees Baek standing as a visitor. Hwoarang hears the details from Baek. He ignores his nurse, tries to move from his bed, but falls down in order to beseech Baek to make him stronger. After leaving the Hospital, Hwoarang starts training with unprecedented devoutness in order to defeat the "paranormal" Jin. Thus with the announcement of "King of Iron Fist" tournament 6 he prepares to enter the tournament.

Ling Xiaoyu

Even at a very young age, Ling Xiaoyu loved amusement parks. Also she was tutored in martial arts by a relative, Wang Jinrei, from a young age. He believed that if she were more serious, she could achieve true greatness, but became frustrated by her careless attitude. While vacationing in Hong Kong with her family, she noticed a yacht bearing the name: “Mishima Zaibatsu”. Knowing that the Mishima Zaibatsu was rich and powerful, she decided to seek out Heihachi Mishima and make her dream a reality. Abandoning her family, Xiaoyu stowed away on the ship.

The ship’s security soon discovered her and informed Heihachi of her presence. By the time that Heihachi arrived on the scene, all of the Tekkenshu—Heihachi’s personal security force—that were aboard the ship had been beaten into unconsciousness and strewn about the deck. It looked as if the ship had been hit by a hurricane. Amidst the chaos, Heihachi found Xiaoyu. She threatened to beat him up if he did not accept her challenge. Amused by her juvenile antics, Heihachi roared with laughter and promised to build her theme park if she won his tournament. She enrolls at the Mishima Polytechnical School, and this is where she first meets both Jin Kazama and Miharu Hirano. Bringing along her old school's trained panda (aptly named "Panda"), Heihachi teaches her to fight, much like he had taught Kuma, so that Xiaoyu would have a bodyguard. This inspired Xiaoyu to see Heihachi as something of a grandfather toward her.

After the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, Xiaoyu continued to live, study, and train as a ward of the Mishima Zaibatsu, but her life became boring and mundane, lacking any particular goals. Two years later, Xiaoyu was delivered an anonymous e-mail admonishing her not to trust Heihachi. The anonymous individual warned her that Heihachi posed an immediate danger to her life. At this time, Xiaoyu was a junior at the Mishima Polytechnical School and had become sick of her daily routines, but receiving this mysterious e-mail rejuvenated Xiaoyu’s passionate spirit.

Xiaoyu replied to the e-mail dozens of times. Although the sender never contacted her again, Xiaoyu became convinced that Jin, who had been missing since the previous Tekken tournament, had sent it to her. Around this same time, Heihachi announced the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 4. Hoping to reconnect with Jin and unmask the Mishima Zaibatsu’s evil deeds, Xiaoyu decided to enter the tournament.

At the end of the previous tournament, Xiaoyu is rescued from the evil plans of Heihachi Mishima by Yoshimitsu, who then tells her about the tragic history of the Mishima family. Xiaoyu starts to believe that the root of all misfortune surrounding Jin and the Mishima family was Heihachi pitching Kazuya off the edge of a cliff when he was five years old. At this point, Xiaoyu believes it is her personal mission to save the tragic Mishima family. She wished that there were some way to turn back time and fix the past. Her prayers were answered when she heard an unnamed scientist boast that if he had the money, he could build a time machine. To obtain the money to fund the invention, Xiaoyu enters The King of the Iron Fist Tournament 5 to win the prize money.

Ling Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Heihachi had not truly died. However, as head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Jin Kazama aims to take Heihachi’s life. Xiaoyu was going to try and stop Jin herself, but the Zaibatsu pushed towards militarization, making it difficult to approach Jin. The Mishima Zaibatsu’s declaration of war drew hostility from around the globe. When the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 is announced, Ling Xiaoyu enters in the hope that she can save Jin’s soul from evil. Xiaoyu also has a crush on Jin due to their friendship when they were at School. Outside of the main series, Ling Xiaoyu has appeared in Tekken Card Challenge, Tekken Tag Tournament and Tekken Advance. Ling Xiaoyu also appears in Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2 as an unlockable character. Her comic book appearances includes Tekken Forever and Tekken: Tatakai no Kanatani. Chiaki Kuriyama was rumored to portray Ling in the movie version of Tekken but in a interview the actress stated she's not in the movie. She also appeared in the Tekken Maxim Photoshoot for Maxim magazine portrayed by a model named Krystle. Ling Xiaoyu was one of five characters nominated in G4's 2005 "Video Game Vixens" awards show under the category of "Baddest Good Girl", but lost to Final Fantasy X's Rikku. GameDaily noted "It's impossible to dislike Ling Xiaoyu", describing her as both an attractive and a strong character in a later article they named her one of their favorite female Asian video game characters, calling her "a joy to behold".

Jin Kazama

Jin Kazama's first appearance was within Tekken 3, where he is introduced as a boy "claiming to be Heihachi's grandson". According to official canon, during the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, Jun Kazama and Kazuya Mishima were intimate, and Jun found herself pregnant afterwards. Jun disappeared into a remote mountain location where she raised Jin and trained him in her Kazama-Style Self-Defense fighting arts. Some time after Jin's 15th birthday, Jun was attacked by Ogre and disappeared. Grieving the loss of his mother, Jin swore revenge. Jin was then taken in by his grandfather, Heihachi Mishima, who began to train him in Mishima-Based Karate.

Subsequent games follow the events of Jin's ending within Tekken 3. Jin's "Prologue" cinema in Tekken 4 shows that, after Heihachi's betrayal, Jin fell into a pit of self-hatred, despising everything related to the Mishimas. Locating a secluded dojo in Brisbane, Australia, he spent two years unlearning the Mishima style he had used up to that point and mastered "traditional" karate thanks to the help of the dojo master. Eventually, the rumors of a King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 began to surface and Jin set his sights on this new tournament.

Within Jin's Story Mode, before he can make it to the fight with Kazuya in the seventh round, he is surrounded by the Tekken Force, incapacitated, and chained up at Heihachi's private building in Hon-Maru. Later, Heihachi brings Kazuya to Hon-Maru, and, while Jin is chained, Kazuya attempts to awaken the Devil within Jin. As Jin begins transforming, he attacks and defeats his father. Next, Heihachi attempts to kill Jin and take his power for his own, only to lose.

In subsequent Tekken games, as before, Jin's ending is made the story's central focus, with Tekken 5's introduction sequence set only seconds afterward. G Corporation (the rival company to Heihachi's Mishima Zaibatsu) sends an army of Jack robots to kill Heihachi and Kazuya. The two cooperate briefly, but Kazuya betrays Heihachi. The Jacks self-detonate, destroying the Hon-Maru and apparently killing Heihachi. However, Hon-Maru was the location where Heihachi had sealed his father, Jinpachi Mishima, approximately three decades earlier. Jinpachi is freed when Hon-Maru was destroyed.

Jin's Story Mode Prologue states that, immediately after leaving Hon-Maru, Jin's own Devil Gene went berserk. Jin soon found himself awakening inside of an utterly destroyed forest, realizing that he was the cause of the destruction. After returning to Yakushima[14], he is plagued by recurring nightmares [15] and realizes that it's only a matter of time before the Devil Gene completely takes over. From here, the story shifts to Devil Within.

In the aftermath of the fifth Iron Fist Tournament, Jin has been revealed as the winner and is now the new CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu. However, instead of putting an end to the Zaibatsu, Jin has begun using the company for world conquest and declared war on several nations until the whole world itself is at war. Under his control, the Mishima Zaibatsu defects from any one nation and begins working as a global power, opposing all national militaries. Kazuya, meanwhile, has taken control of G Corporation and risen to become the Mishima Zaibatsu's only opponent, and has put a bounty on Jin's head, dead or alive, to stop him interfering with his own plans for world domination. Jin, having anticipated this, announces The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 to rid himself of Kazuya and his enemies once and for all.[16] However, the war is later resulted to have been a mere ruse in order for Jin to fill the world with enough negative energy so as to awaken and ultimately destroy the ultimate evil known as Azazel. In a final battle with the beast, Jin apparently sacrifices himself to vanquish Azazel once and for all, although his motionless body is later found by Raven in the desert, half-buried.

In the 2010 live-action film Tekken, Jin is portrayed by Martial Arts actor John Foo in his first starring role.

Heihachi Mishima

In an attempt to eliminate his son's "weakness", Heihachi tossed Kazuya, his then 5-year old son, down a deep ravine, claiming that if he were truly his son, he'd be able to survive the fall and climb back up. Kazuya survived, but only because he made a deal with the Devil. To further motivate Kazuya, Heihachi adopted Chinese orphan Lee and raised him as a rival to his true son. After Kazuya had traveled abroad and became an undefeated champion, Heihachi announced the King of Iron Fist Tournament in order to test him. Kazuya won the tournament, tossed Heihachi off the same cliff and assumed control of the Zaibatsu. Heihachi survived the event, and returned in the second tournament to defeat his son, and tossed Kazuya's body into a volcano to kill him. Later, he created a military force called the Tekken Force. Fifteen years after the end of the second tournament, in Central Mexico ruins they discovered Ogre, a creature with bloodlust for strong fighters. Seeking to create the ultimate lifeform from the creature, Heihachi took in his grandson Jin Kazama, trained him, and four years later announced the third Iron Fist tournament as bait. Ogre arrived and was defeated by Jin, only for Heihachi to in turn betray and attempt to kill him. Jin survived, transformed into a demon, attacked Heihachi and flew away.

Afterwards, Heihachi attempted to combine his own DNA with that of Ogre, but discovered that he would need the Devil Gene as a catalyst, held by both his son and Jin. Unable to find Jin, Heihachi learned Kazuya had been resurrected by G Corporation, a rival company. To lure both to him, he held the fourth King of Iron Fist Tournament with his very company's ownership as the grand prize. After the Tekken Force captured Jin upon arrival, Heihachi faced Kazuya in the finals. Heihachi defeated Kazuya,[4] and led him to his Hon-Maru compound, where Jin was being held captive so they could fight. However Jin was able to defeat both, assumed his demon form and almost killed Heihachi. Stopped by a vision of his mother, Jin instead left, telling Heihachi he owed his life to her, flying through the compound's roof.

Immediately after Jin's departure, an army of Jack-4s built and sent by G Corporation invaded Hon-Maru. Heihachi fought together against them with Kazuya, but Kazuya betrayed and threw his father to the Jack-4s, using the diversion to escape. The Jack-4s piled onto Heihachi and one self-destructed, destroying Hon-Maru and seemingly killing Heihachi. However the blast had instead thrown him for several miles where he remained unconscious for the duration of the fifth tournament. Upon waking up, he made his way back to the Zaibatsu headquarters only for troops to block his path and to learn Jin had taken over the company. As a result he enters the sixth tournament in order to recover control of his company.

Anna Williams

Anna Williams is the younger sister of another Tekken character, Nina Williams. Anna was featured in Nina's Arcade mode ending, in which she accuses Nina of stealing one of her shoes. She was also featured as Nina's sub-boss in Tekken. Anna, like all of the other sub-bosses in the first Tekken game, was not given an ending. She was a playable character only in the console version of the game.

In Tekken 2 Nina was once again hired to assassinate the sponsor of the current tournament, Kazuya Mishima. Whether at Kazuya's discretion or Anna's own volition, Anna became a bodyguard for Kazuya, along with Ganryu and Bruce Irvin, who were all charged with Kazuya's protection. It is likely that Anna's intervention prevented her sister from carrying out her contract, and Nina was later captured by Mishima Zaibatsu forces and used in Doctor Boskonovitch's cryogenics ('cold-sleep') research. Learning about this, Anna volunteered to be another test subject, requesting that she be woken in the future at the same time as Nina. Her reasons for doing so remain ambiguous, though the game suggests that Anna would have felt lonely without Nina and/or jealous at the thought of her sister's youth being preserved.

In Tekken 3 Nina was awakened 18 years after being placed in 'cold sleep' and fell under the influence of Ogre who compelled her to assassinate Jin Kazama. As per her request, Anna was awakened at the same time as her sister, but she did not fall under Ogre's influence. Nina also began to suffer side effects from the 'cold-sleep', resulting in long term memory loss. In an act of compassion, Anna set out to stop Nina from once again becoming an assassin, and to help her recover her memory loss.

NOTE: Anna is only a playable character in the console release of Tekken 3. In the arcade version, she was an alternate costume for Nina, and therefore had the same moves as her.

Nina decides to make contact with Anna in hopes of restoring her memory. Unfortunately, their meeting triggers Nina's lost feelings of hostility towards her sister, and she immediately opens fire. Anna retaliates, and the reunion descends into a gunfight which lasts for days. The sisters eventually reach a stalemate and agree to settle things for good at The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 (Tekken 5). A portion of their gunfight can be seen in the introductory sequence of the game.

After being defeated by her sister Nina, Anna seeks revenge. However, Nina has already gone into hiding. Anna hears rumors she has become the bodyguard of Jin Kazama, the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, so Anna decides to join forces with G Corporation. She enters the sixth Iron Fist tournament to intercept her sister, who enters with the same intent as Anna.

GameDaily listed Anna as one of their top 50 hottest female characters in video games, placing her at number 47 on the list.

She will also appear in the movie version of Tekken portrayed by Marian Zapico.

Lei Wulong

During Tekken 2 and Tekken 3, Lei Wulong was a respected police officer, dubbed "super cop", who put countless criminals behind bars. Just as Marshall Law bears a resemblance to Bruce Lee, Lei bears a strong resemblance to Jackie Chan. He was investigating the illegal hunting and trading of endangered animals done by the Mishima Zaibatsu during Tekken 2 and fought Bruce Irvin, who was working for Kazuya Mishima. Lei defeated Bruce, who escaped in an airplane, but it crashed.

In Tekken 4, he sets out to stop the assassin Nina Williams, who was sent by the mob to kill Steve Fox, in order to restore his waning reputation. He tracks down Nina and prevents her from killing Steve, but he could not stop her from escaping through a window. Upon chasing after Nina, he had her at gunpoint, but Steve intervened and saved Nina by tackling Lei to the ground.

Lei enters The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 to search for Feng Wei, the man that has been destroying dojos in China and Japan. Asuka Kazama is also searching for Feng because he nearly killed her father, who was one of the dojo owners sought by Feng Wei. Lei informs her about Feng and that it is possible he might enter the fifth tournament. He is also attempting to destroy the Mishima Zaibatsu with the help of Steve Fox.

In pursuit of Feng Wei for his criminal offenses, the military sends Lei to Japan. As the trail for Feng Wei is unsuccessful, Lei is helpless and returns to Hong Kong. With China in utter chaos and riots happening frequently, Lei grew impatient. Lei knew the true reason for the riots were cause of the Mishima Zaibatsu. In an attempt to arrest Jin Kazama, Lei enters The King of the Iron Fist Tournament 6.

The fighting style of Lei Wulong is a kung fu style called: Five Animals Kung Fu. The style includes elements of tiger, crane, leopard, snake and dragon kung fu. Lei Wulong has also some techniques from Zui Quan (drunken fist).


Yoshimitsu makes his first appearance in 1994's Tekken. In the game's story, Yoshimitsu enters the first tournament as a decoy, so that other members of the Manji Party can steal the tournament's funds unobserved. Yoshimitsu learns about a sumo wrestler called Ganryu, whose disrespectful attitude in the ring cost him his promotion into Yokozuna rank. This base disrespect for the sumo code infuriates Yoshimitsu, and he defeats Ganryu. At a later time Yoshimitsu leads an infiltration on Dr. Boskonovitch's lab in order to steal his Eternal Energy device. Though Yoshimitsu loses his arm during the infiltration, Boskonovitch helps the injured ninja escape and fits him with a mechanical prosthetic.

In Tekken 2, Yoshimitsu learns that Doctor Boskonovitch has been kidnapped by the Mishima Zaibatsu, and enters the second Tekken tournament to rescue him. Kunimitsu returns to the tournament in order to steal the clan's tachi. Yoshimitsu defeats Kunimitsu, and drops out of the tournament to rescue the Doctor after learning his location. Yoshimitsu reappears in Tekken 3, trying to help Boskonovitch whose daughter is suffering from a mysterious disease; 4, attempting to form alliances between the Zaibatsu and the Manji Party; 5, seeking Bryan Fury after he killed members of his clan; and 6, looking for a new sword after realizing that his current one is a cursed weapon driving him insane.

In 2006, Namco released a Yoshimitsu figurine as part of a Tekken 5 set based upon his promotional artwork for the game. While not posable, the PVC figure came with equipable clothing items modeled after those in the game.

Along with Heihachi Mishima, Paul Phoenix and Nina Williams, Yoshimitsu is the only character to appear in every Tekken game. Additionally, Yoshimitsu appears in Namco's Soul series of fighting games, making his debut to the series in Soulcalibur as a unlockable character and returning for the subsequent installments.

Nina Williams

Nina Williams is a character from Namco's Tekken game series. She is known to be a cold-blooded assassin who had made her very first appearance in the original Tekken game and since has appeared in every Tekken game released[3]. She is one of only four Tekken characters to appear in each game along with Yoshimitsu, Paul Phoenix and Heihachi Mishima and the only female character to have appeared in every installment. She is known to have an unstable relationship with her younger sister, Anna Williams.

Nina Williams is known for her lethal fighting styles, consisting of many martial arts and fighting skills. Due to the success of the character, Nina Williams starred in her own spin-off game, Death by Degrees.

Paul Phoenix

Paul Phoenix is a Judo expert and a good friend of the Law family. His mixture of karate and judo styles have achieved legendary status, but a seemingly minor complication always arises that prevents him from winning the tournament, as in the case when a traffic jam prevents his confrontation with his rival, Kazuya Mishima, at the end of the second Iron Fist tournament.

In common with many Tekken characters, Paul's moveset includes flamboyant fictional attacks, mixed with more realistic-looking techniques. While his strike-heavy style bears little in common with grapple-based modern judo, early judo did in fact include striking attacks, based as it was on various forms of jujutsu. In Tekken, Paul's sub-boss was Kuma, a bear supposedly trained by Heihachi Mishima; this was explained by Paul having witnessed as a child a martial artist called Willie Williams fighting a bear. Willie Williams is a real-life kyokushin karateka, who can indeed be seen fighting a bear in a sequence filmed as part of a documentary about Kyokushin Karate, although curiously the bear in question seems reluctant to retaliate using its full strength.

Paul went undefeated during The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, even managing to beat Ogre. He left soon afterwards, claiming himself to be the winner. However, Ogre evolved into True Ogre and the tournament continued after his departure. Having realized this only sometime afterwards, Paul became frustrated and angry. Few believed him when he told everyone that he was the true winner of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3. After a short while, he soon turned to alcohol. Paul then heard an announcement for The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. Paul trained vigorously and entered the tournament to prove himself once more.

Rolling through his opponents one-by-one, Paul felt excited at the prospects of facing Kazuya Mishima, whom he had not faced in over 20 years. However, he once again found Kuma standing in his way. His mind distracted, Paul did not take Kuma seriously at first, and by the time he realized his mistake, he was quickly overwhelmed by the bear and defeated. His loss to Kuma shamed Paul greatly, and he realized he had strayed from the path of a true martial artist and started his training all over again. When the fifth tournament was announced, Paul entered to prove that he is, literally, "the toughest fighter in the universe".

Paul Phoenix's rematch with Kuma was fierce, and though victorious, he was utterly exhausted, leaving him unable to continue the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Unable to collect any prize money from the last tournament, Paul, who was already burdened by his mountain of debt, learns that a new King of Iron Fist Tournament will be held soon. Believing that if he won the tournament, he could finally say goodbye to his loan troubles, Paul deeply thought about ways to increase his chances of winning—participating on his own was out of the question. If he could assemble a team with someone, his chances of winning the prize money would greatly increase. And so he went over his plan with his best friend Marshall Law - but thinking a three-man team was better than two, renowned boxer Steve Fox caught his attention.


Paul Phoenix

Nina Williams


Lei Wulong

Anna Williams

Heihachi Mishima

Jin Kazama

Ling Xiaoyu


Eddy Gordo

Forest Law




Julia Chang

Bryan Fury

Gun Jack




Dr. Bosconovitch

Main Story

Power and greed are the root of all evil.Heihachi and Kazuya lock horns for the final time to decide who is the head of the Mishima Financial Empire. Tremendous wealth and power go to the winner...the loser, a burial in a volcanic crater.

Unsatisfied and a thirst yet for more, Heihachi sets his goals even higher. A plan for world peace falsely gains the confidence and support of leaders worldwide. In this time a baby is born...

Fifteen years later a secret excavation by Heihachi's "Tekken Forces" in Central American ruins unearths an unusual find. In their final communiqu with Heihachi they report the sighting of a mysterious "God of Fighting." Heihachi immediately heads to the scene aboard his private jet. Upon arrival he finds only scattered corpses. The wheels in his head start to spin..."What kind of thing is responsible? Under my control, maybe I could control the world!"

Within weeks, strange disappearances occur throughout the world. Personsmasters of strong soul, of the martial arts and other derivative fighting knowledge disciplines are reported missing... with no of their whereabouts.

Jin Kazama is now a young man of fifteen years. Though he and his mother Jun live peacefully in the mountains, her intuition warns of impendinghim of a danger. She tells him of a tremendous power seeking their lives. No longer a child and deserving of answers, Jun explains the story of his father, grandfather and the legend of Tekken. Fearful of what lay ahead she tells Jin to go to Heihachi if anything happens to her.

Her intuition proves right on a cold, stormy night. The "God of Fighting" comes to the mountains bringing a chilling, swirling wind. Still not a man and unpolished in his fighting skills, he is no match. His last words heard before losing consciousness are his mother yelling "run, run far away".

Bright morning sunlight awakens Jin. The house and everything around it is burned to the ground. Searching frantically for his mother she is nowhere to be found. Following his mothers wishes, Jin seeks out Heihachi Mishima. Upon hearing of what happened, Heihachi reasons that the "God of Fighting" thrives on the "strong souls" of others...the souls of Tekken. Jin asks Heihachi to teach him how to defeat the "God of Fight".

As a ploy to lure the "God of Fighting", Jin plans to one day organise "The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3". Such a gathering of strong souls would be too much for his arch enemy to resist!

Jin enters his nineteenth year. Four years of tutelage under Heihachi Mishima have prepared him for his meeting with destiny. The tournament is about to begin...

Tekken 3

Tekken 3 is the best PlayStation game to come along in a long time.

Some of the PlayStation's biggest moments have centered around a Tekken game. Tekken 1 was released a few months after the PlayStation hit shelves and propelled the system to stardom. Tekken 2 came along, and was another "better-than-perfect" translation of the arcade version, adding modes and what were some of the most amazing FMV sequences available at the time. Tekken 3 has caused much debate prior to its release, as it was slated to be the first Tekken game that wouldn't be a perfect translation. While the backgrounds aren't quite as sharp (they're 2D) as the arcade version, the PlayStation version of Tekken 3 more than makes up for this with additional modes, state-of-the-art FMV, and some of the best fighting to be found anywhere.

Mode-wise, Tekken 3 contains all the modes from Tekken 2. Time attack, team battle, practice mode, and survival mode are all there, and haven't changed a bit. Tekken Force mode is a four-level side-scrolling mode that pits players against tons of ninjas. While it seems like a really neat idea, in practice Tekken Force mode isn't all that great. You can waltz right through the four levels very easily using only the right kick button. Beat Force mode four times, and you'll unlock Dr. Boskonovitch, one of the game's two PlayStation-only characters. Tekken Ball mode draws a few lines in the sand and turns the fighting game into a crazy version of volleyball. Players bat a beach ball back and forth with attacks. Hitting the ball with a special attack transfers the energy of that attack into the ball, giving it an eerie glow. If the opposing player gets hit with the ball, he takes damage. If a player lets the ball drop, he takes damage there as well. Theater mode lets you watch all the Tekken 3 FMV sequences that you've unlocked so far. It also lets you pop in Tekken 2 and check out all the FMV in there, too.

The gameplay is identical to the arcade. Every move, combo, and character has been transferred over, and a couple of new characters have been added in as well. The aforementioned Dr. Boskonovitch is the scientist that appears in Yoshimitsu's Tekken 2 ending. Unfortunately, the good doctor has suffered some pretty bad spinal injuries and is unable to stand up for more than a few seconds. So you must fight from the ground with all sorts of strange kicking attacks. Gon is a tiny dinosaur from a Japanese comic. He breathes fire, electrifies his body, and passes gas. Gon's limbs are so short, you're never quite sure where his attacks are coming from. Both PlayStation exclusive characters are a waste of space. Dr. B is slightly interesting, but Gon simply has no place in the game at all. Whenever someone picks Gon, it not only makes me want to not play that match, but it also makes me want to just shut the entire game off.

Tekken 3 presents itself incredibly well. The sound effects are terrific, and the music is nothing short of amazing. From a graphical standpoint, Tekken 3 can't be beat. While the polygon count may have been slightly reduced and the backgrounds made 2D, it still looks absolutely incredible. It is definitely the high water mark for graphics on the PlayStation.

Not much stands between Tekken 3 and a perfect 10 score. If the PlayStation exclusive characters were better and Force mode a bit more enthralling, it could have come closer to a perfect score. Needless to say, Tekken 3 is the best PlayStation game to come along in a long time, and this one won't be topped anytime soon.