

Dr. Boskonovitch

Dr. Boskonovitch originally worked for the Mishima Zaibatsu. During the first Tekken, the Manji ninja clan (led by Yoshimitsu) raided the Mishima Zaibatsu's vault. During the raid, Yoshimitsu lost his arm and was found by Bosconovitch who helped him escape. He was kidnapped by Kazuya Mishima in the run-up to Tekken 2 and was forced to work for him. Some of the many projects involved the creation of the bio-weapons Roger and Alex and the completion of the Prototype Jack unit. He began the "Cold Sleep" project as a means of preserving his daughter's body (who seemingly died) by using Nina and Anna Williams as test subjects. After completing his tasks, and before being executed, Dr. Boskonovitch was rescued by Yoshimitsu. Nearly twenty years later, he contracted a rare disease that affects the spine. In order to cure himself and to revive his daughter, he needed the blood of the fighting god, Ogre. He turned to an old friend: Yoshimitsu for help. Yoshimitsu entered the Tekken 3 tournament and was successful in retrieving a sample of Ogre's blood after it had been killed by Jin Kazama.

During Tekken 4, Yoshimitsu found an injured Bryan Fury. He brought him to the doctor to save him. Boskonovitch explained to Bryan that he would mechanize him and allow him to be completely reborn in a new incarnation. Bryan lays supine in the chair and Bosconovitch held a gun-shaped device containing sleeping gas. Bidding him sweet dreams, he injected the gas into Bryan. Throughout, he spoke in a very gentle, paternal tone and was very calm. However, the doctor found Bryan's body too complex, and he instead installed a perpetual generator. Bryan proceeded to attack the doctor, as well as Manji Clan members who were with him. While the members were slain, Boskonovitch survived, though he was severely injured. In Tekken 6, he creates an android in his daughters image.


Gon is a tiny fictional dinosaur and the title character of a Japanese manga series created by Masashi Tanaka. The Gon series features the completely wordless adventures of the irascible title character as he interacts with the natural world, depicted by Tanaka in lush, realistic detail. Gon somehow survived the extinction of his fellow dinosaurs and interacts with paleolithic animals.


Ogre is first mentioned in Heihachi Mishima's character profile. It states that many years after Heihachi had reclaimed control of the Mishima Zaibatsu, he formed the Tekken Force, his own military group. One of the missions of the Tekken Force was to search an ancient temple located somewhere in Mexico. Soon after arriving there, Heihachi learned that his entire force had been obliterated by Ogre. Heihachi, having witnessed the power of Ogre sought to capture it in hopes of creating the ultimate life form.

According to official canon, Ogre attacked many world-renowned martial arts masters around the world. Because many characters from previous Tekken titles were not featured in Tekken 3, it is believed that their disappearance is due to being a victim of Ogre. This is supported by the fact that Ogre's fighting style is completely formed by other character's fighting styles, many of which were those who did not appear among the cast of playable characters in Tekken 3, such as Wang Jinrei, Baek Doo San, Bruce Irvin, Lee Chaolan, and Kunimitsu. It was later revealed however, that the only Tekken fighters that Ogre attacked/killed were Baek doo San (whom he did not actually kill), the original King, and Jun Kazama, the mother of Jin Kazama. It is unknown if Kunimitsu was a victim of Ogre as she has not been featured in the plot of a Tekken game since Tekken 2.

Sometime when Jin was fifteen, his mother warned him of an approaching evil (Ogre) and told him to seek refuge with his grandfather, Heihachi. Jin, wishing to protect his mother tried to defend her from Ogre, but was knocked unconscious. When Jin awoke, he found his home burned to the ground and his mother nowhere to be seen.

Jin fled to his grandfather, Heihachi, as Jun had previously instructed. Heihachi made the decision to train the boy to become a powerful fighter, giving Jin hopes of exacting revenge on Ogre. Heihachi's goal however, was to make Jin powerful enough to lure Ogre to him.

Eventually, Heihachi announced the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 as a way to attract many powerful fighters. As planned, Ogre appeared at the tournament, but he was defeated by Paul Phoenix (Explained in Paul's Tekken 4 prologue) before Heihachi could capture it. Also, Jin, presumably having discovered Heihachi's sinister intentions for the tournament, defeated Heihachi. Unknown to them however, Ogre was not killed, and morphed into a monstrous beast by absorbing the energy of Heihachi.

Ogre's second form (known as True Ogre in subsequent games), is capable of using all of its techniques from his previous form as well as the abilities to teleport, fly, and breathe fire. True Ogre was defeated by Jin, and a white orb of light was emitted from its body as it dissolved.

Although Ogre was not present in the 4th game, he appears briefly in Heihachi's prologue. This explains that, Heihachi devised a new plan to make himself the ultimate warrior by using the genes of Ogre that were collected after the fight with Jin. But Ogre's genome could only be integrated with the "Devil Gene", which Heihachi did not possess. He knew that Jin and the resurrected Kazuya did, so he announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 to lure both of them out.

Ogre appears only in the minigame, Devil Within, as a boss. The plot details events that occur during the two month period between Tekken 4 and Tekken 5. After Jin left the Hon-Maru after the final battle in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4, he heard that his mother, Jun, was still alive at G Corporation. When Jin traveled to their labs, he found no trace of his mother, but instead discovered that G Corporation had either resurrected Ogre, or had simply discovered another Ogre. Beneath the labs were the remains of another ancient temple, where Jin battled True Ogre once again. Ogre fled to a deeper part of the ruins, and Jin followed it.

The deeper ruins are depicted as an other-worldly crystal-like labyrinth. The enemies Jin contended with were monsters and mutants, who were likely minions of Ogre or guardians of the ruins. The boss of stage four is a giant contraption that uses a large white orb to attack. After Jin destroys this, it is revealed that he unwittingly broke the seal containing Ogre.

During the game's final stage, Jin battles True Ogre once again. Once it is defeated, it reveals yet another transformation. This form had new abilities to create giant whirlwinds and crush Jin under its large body, along with all of its previously used techniques. According to the plot, Jin overcomes Ogre and is attacked by Jack robots, causing him to transform into Devil Jin.


Mokujin is inspired by the Jackie Chan movie Shaolin Wooden Men. He is a wooden training dummy who comes to life at the presence of powerful evil. He has no fighting style of his own, and instead swaps between the fighting styles of the other characters featured in the game. At the beginning of a fight, Mokujin will assume another character's fighting style at random, and uses a wooden sword when he emulates Yoshimitsu, or a tail when emulating Roger. In this aspect, mastering Mokujin requires mastery of all the other Tekken characters' movesets.

Mokujin was awakened when Ogre, the god of Fighting, was released. After Jin Kazama defeated Ogre in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 3, Mokujin grew lifeless once more, but he had a smile on his face (stated in Mokujin's Tekken 5 Prologue). With the awakening of another powerful evil entity (Jinpachi Mishima), Mokujin has come to life once more, and it is said to be unknown that when Mokujin would be free. After the defeat of Jinpachi Mishima, Mokujin again became lifeless until Tekken 6.

He appears in the multi-company crossover game Cross Edge as a training dummy in the game's practice battle mode under the name Woodman.

Gun Jack

Jack is a series of androids created by the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation for different purposes:

Jack is the original model, and was created by the Mishima Zaibatsu in order to counter a coup from Kazuya Mishima in the King of Iron Fist Tournament.

Prototype Jack is a prototype of Jack was created to combat both Jack and Jack-2. It was destroyed by Jack-2 in the second tournament. This is also the only Jack to fight in more than one tournament.

Jack-2 is the upgrade of Jack, also created by the Mishima Zaibatsu. One of these models, while on a battlefront, witnesses a young girl named Jane lose her mother, and takes it upon himself to look after her until he is destroyed by Dr. Abel.

Gun Jack is a more advanced prototype of the android, created by Jane in an attempt to revive her friend, Jack-2. While she is successful in implanting Jack-2's memories inside him, he is destroyed by gunfire by the Tekken Forces after he and Jane attempt to break into the Mishima Zaibatsu labs.

Jack-4 is an upgrade of Gun Jack, created by G Corporation. While these never participated in any tournament, they were sent by G Corporation to kill Kazuya Mishima after they no longer needed him, and the subsequent battle in Hon-Maru almost resulted in the death of Heihachi Mishima. These specific models have a self-destruct device embedded in them, indicated when the face peels away to reveal a countdown.

Jack-5 is an upgrade of Jack-4, created by Jane to participate in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. His fate is currently unknown.

Jack-6 is an upgrade of Jack-5, created by G Corporation with the mission of destroying the Mishima Zaibatsu in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6.

GameDaily placed Jack 24th on their "Top 25 Video Game Robots" list, stating "While not the most popular character in the Tekken series, Jack punched its way to become a worthy opponent."


A known officer within Interpol, Bryan Fury was shot and killed by gunmen during a shootout in Hong Kong. His corpse is placed in the custody of Doctor Abel for scientific research and he is revived in order for him to be Abel's agent in obtaining classified information on raising a cyborg-led army.[10] Bryan enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3 in hopes of killing Yoshimitsu and capturing Dr. Boskonovitch, Abel's rival.

In Tekken 4, Bryan learns that his body is deteriorating and that he is close to death. Upon learning that his creator, Doctor Abel, has become head scientific advisor of the Mishima Zaibatsu, he grows to despise the Mishima Zaibatsu for taking Abel away from him, and Abel himself, for abandoning him. Bryan enters the tournament with the hope of becoming the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, enabling him to order Doctor Abel to modify his body and prevent him from dying.

Despite not winning, Bryan eventually finds Abel, and uses his last ounce of strength to knock Abel out before losing consciousness. Later on, he wakes up in the laboratory of none other than Dr. Boskonovitch, who tells him that Yoshimitsu rescued him while robbing Heihachi Mishima's mansion, and promises to transfer Bryan's mind into a new body, although it will take a whole year. Bryan silently agrees to let Boskonovitch put him to sleep.

Bryan, however, awakens a month later and is told by Boskonovitch that his body was too complicated for himself to work with, but as a last resort, He had installed a perpetual power generator in him to grant him immortality. Upon learning this, Bryan attacks Boskonovitch and the Manji clan members assigned to guard him, and leaves the laboratory. Bryan enters the Tekken 5 tournament to test his performance with the generator installed, unaware that Yoshimitsu is pursuing him for revenge.

Yoshimitsu's repeated meddling hinders Bryan's hopes of unlocking the generator's true powers in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Soon afterwards, Bryan's frustration reaches its pinnacle, and he begins to destroy everything in sight after abandoning the tournament. Driven by rage, he joins various battlefields over the world, indiscriminately leveling this and that to rubble. However, he soon grows tired of the same thing repeating itself countless times. Around this time, he catches wind of the Tekken 6 tournament. Seeing another chance to test the generator's true powers, he signs up.

Julia Chang

Julia Chang studies archeology in Michelle Chang's tribal lands. As a baby, Julia was deserted in the ruins of ancient Native American settlements, where Michelle found her. Michelle rescued Julia and brought her up with love. Julia loved Michelle and her adopted tribe and trained with Michelle to protect her beloved homeland. When Julia was 18, stories of sudden disappearances of famous martial artists all over the world began to reach the tribe. The tribe knew the cause, which was contained in the tribal legends, the legend of The God of Fighters. People in the tribe feared that Michelle's pendant, the key to Native American sacred treasure, had something to do with the disappearances. With apprehension spreading through the tribe, Michelle left for Japan to ask Heihachi Mishima why he had sought to take the pendant during the second tournament. Michelle hoped to learn about the origin of The God of Fighting's power. Michelle did not return. Julia suspected Heihachi and now seeks him out to discover the truth.

Julia was a college student studying archaeology. One day, she discovered that her native homeland was in danger of being covered by an encroaching desert; this was brought on by today's rapidly changing global ecosystem. Julia wanted to save her home, and she began her studies on ecosystem restoration. Julia joined an advanced genetic research group led by Professor T that studied the biological mechanism of reforestation. Professor T's research grant came almost exclusively from G Corporation. In fact, G Corporation's supercomputers located at their high security research center were used for computationally intensive biogenetic analysis and ecosystem modeling. All their project data was stored on G Corporation's file servers as well. Julia was absorbed in her daily research, waiting for the day when her work on ecosystem restoration would be complete. When her project was completed, she would save her home.

One day, Julia learned from Professor T that their project was on hold indefinitely. The Mishima Zaibatsu attacked G Corporation's high security research center and stole all their project data. Julia didn't know a thing about G Corporation's secret research projects nor did she care about them. Yet she knew that she had to retrieve her data from the Mishima Zaibatsu in order to save her home from becoming a desert in a few years time. Julia searched the net to gather information regarding the Mishima Zaibatsu. Her eyes lit up when she saw a web page announcing The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.

Julia Chang continues her research on forest rejuvenation. Disappointed that she was unable to recover the reforestation data during the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 4, Julia returns home and resumes her research. Each time her work hits a dead end, she is reminded of the data that she was unable to retrieve. At that point she received a letter addressed to her in a foreign language. Attached is an announcement of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. In order to fulfill her hopes for forest rejuvenation, Julia decides to enter the fifth tournament. Along the way, she comes face to face with her friend, King, whom she attempts to talk out of taking revenge against Craig Marduk, but King does not listen.

Julia Chang was able to recover the lost Forest Rejuvenation data needed to turn the wasteland back into its original form. When Julia returned to her homeland of Arizona, she was met by the chief of their tribe and an old woman capable of hearing the voice of the Great Spirit. The old woman tells Julia of a premonition, 'If Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima were to engage in combat, it would bring about the resurrection of a demon from Hell.' Julia doubted the old woman's story, but on her way to The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 due to it being sponsored by the Mishima Zaibatsu, she suddenly realizes what the premonition means and accepts it as true. Julia decides to personally enter the tournament to prevent it from happening.